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This is a list of our RECENT publications. You can find the full publications list using the following services:

Panchenko, A. Y., Tchaicheeyan, O., Berinskii, I. E., & Lesman, A. 

 ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. (2022).

Orlova, D. A., Panchenko, A. Y., Omairey, S. L., & Berinskii, I. E. Mechanics Research Communications, 124 (2022): 103930. 

Panchenko, A. Y., Kuzkin, V. A., & Berinskii, I. E.Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34.16 (2022): 165402.

Panchenko, A. Yu, E. A. Podolskaya, and I. E. Berinskii. International Journal of Engineering Science 167 (2021): 103514.

Berinskii, Igor. Mechanics of Materials 148 (2020): 103501.

Panchenko, A. Yu, E. A. Podolskaya, and I. E. Berinskii. Mechanics Research Communications 105 (2020): 103515.

Berinskii, I., and V. A. Kuzkin. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378, no. 2162 (2020): 20190114.

Berinskii, Igor E. Smart Materials and Structures 27, no. 7 (2018): 075012.

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